Randy has been endorsed by many business and community leaders in Santa Barbara. Add your name today!

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"We are supporting Randy because he understands the issues that concern our city, and specifically, the fire department. Randy is a strong advocate of our firefighters' health and wellness. He will be proactive to meet the challenges we face so that we can provide for the safety of the City of Santa Barbara."

The Santa Barbara City Firefighters' Association


"Randy's experience as a leader focuses on community engagement, economic strategy, policy, and accountability. Randy can bring the change in leadership needed to ensure public safety in our community. As a former City Councilmember and business owner we believe Randy has the experience and ability to make Santa Barbara a better place to live and work."

The Santa Barbara Police Officers' Association


"The Chamber of Commerce endorses Randy Rowse for Mayor because of his strong background as a restaurant owner, business owner, local employer and public servant. Randy recognizes the importance of the business community, regardless of political party, and knows that small business is the backbone of our community."

The Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce

"I'm supporting Randy Rowse. He's one of the most commonsensical people I know."

Sheila Lodge, Former Santa Barbara Mayor

"Randy is our best choice to be Santa Barbara's next Mayor. He will approach Santa Barbara's challenges with the care, kindness, and humility he's known for."

Bendy White, Former Santa Barbara City Councilmember

"His focus, understanding, and non-partisan approach make him the clear choice."

Pat McElroy, Ret. Santa Barbara Fire Chief

"Randy's integrity and experience is first-class. I highly recommend we vote for him."

Pete Jordano, Local Businessman



Randy is also endorsed by:

Roger and Debby Aceves

Craig and Ann Addis

Peter Agren

Ingrid Rosanna Agren

Michelle Allyn

Joseph Almeida

Stephanie Arellanes-Forrester

Janice Bailey

Alicia & John Bair

Efigenia Banales

Celeste Barber

Connie Barcliff

Don Barthelmess

Stephen Forrest Beck

Michael Benedict

Rich Benedict

Gail Beust

Marc Beinstock

Michael Bishop

Brenda Blalock

Nancy Bond

Dennis and Sandy Boneck

Mike Bono

Monica Bootcheck

Peter Borneman

Paul Bradford

Doug Bradley

John and Sue Burk

Scott Burns

Joe Bush

Jack Byers

Margaret Callahan

Josie Castagnola

William Chiplis

Gillian Christie

John Chufar

Julie Churchman

Kristi Cooper

Erin Sheridan Coons

Joseph Connell

Brian Coryat

Kourey Cotton

Kimberly Crane

Ron Cuff

William Curtis

Anthony Dal Bello

Joe Danely

Randi Danson

Paul David

Mary Louise Days

Spencer Dean

Donald DuLuccio

Jeanne Dentzel

Carol Robitaille Dewan

Jeffrey Dinkin

Eric Durak

Kelly Egan

Steve Engles

Tamara Erickson

Dolores Faulding

Ben Feld

Rick and Sasa Feldman

Douglas Fell

Jan Finley

Colette Fischer

Steve Forsell

Richard and Terry Fox

Karen Gallivan

Brenda Geneau

Peter Georgi

Pamela Geremia

Gary Gleason

Marianne Gordin

Carol Lux Gordon

Norris Goss

Erin Graffy

Bruce Griffen

Dave Grotenhuis

Patrick Hall

Robert Hanranhan

Jeffrey Harding 


Sherryl Harlow

Thomas Harper

Jeff Havlik

Emmet Hawkes

Douglas Hayes

Steve Hayes

John Heard

Rick Heise

Rhonda Henderson

Edward Heron

Mary Heron

Victoris Hines

Walter Hofman

Robert Hopper

Frank Hotchkiss

Rob Hughes

Patrick Huglin

Mark Ingalls

George Issac

Susan Jackson

Lee Jaffurs

Craig and Lee Jaffurs

Josiah Jenkins

Bengt Johansson

Dianne and Michael Johnson

Anne Johnston

Sally Jordano

Gerd and Pete Jordano

Lee Juskalian

Carol Kallman

Charles Kaska

Ami and Tom Kearns

Tom Kearns

Robert Kennedy

Mark Kirkhart

Diane Kirkpatrick

Giselle Lai

Margarita Lande

George Larson

Ron Latimer

Jon Lee

Ed Lenvik

Joan Livingston

Shelia Lodge

Pamela Lopker

William Mahan

Falah Maayah

Mich Mankowski

Monica Manson-Hing

Maurie McGuire

Sherrie and Scott McIver

Kevin McTague

Debbie Merlo

Janet Mermel

Jack Meyer

Ilona Miller

John Morais

Alicia Morgan

Sean Murphy

Arthur Najera

Barbara Najera

Brad and Patty Napier

Jamie Nash

Peter Naylor

Mary Ann Neilsen

Michael Nelson

Susan Neuman

Dana Newquist

Lander Nicolait

Stephanie Nicolait

Jill Nida

Yvonne Oleson and Bill Sargent

Desmond Oneil

Walter Owen

Jacqueline Page

Thomas Parrish

Michael Paschke

Kate Perlis




Mike Perry

Beth and Bob Perry

Eric Petersen

Joseph Peue

Elaine and Larry Pfeifer

Hank Pitcher

Nico Pollero

Alan Porter

Pam and Tom Price

Tim Putz

Robert Raede

Loretta Redd

Daniel Reiker

Larry Rennacker

Susan Rettig

Susan Reynolds

Anne Rizzoli

Brian Robertson

Mark Rock

William and Wendy Rogers

Suzanne Rottman

Kathryn Romasanta-Eckert

Janet Rowse

Richard Sacco

Angelo Salvucci

Andrew Salzman

Richard Sanders

Michael Sandford

Chuck Santry

Francis Sarguis

Tracy Schmidt

Micahel Schmidtchen

Joanne Schoenfeld

Jordan Scott

Douglas Scott

Deborah Sczudlo

Linda Seals

Jeff and Laura Seawards

Lou Segal

M. Barry Semler

Vir Singh

Jerry Shalhoob

Don Sharpe

Gary Simpson

Lee Skeen

Jay Smith

Richard St. Clair

Norinne Starna

Linda Stirling

Mike Stoker

Tara Stoker

Sharon Sutton

John Sween

Fred Sweeney

Darcy Sylvester

Michael Tantleff

Jim Thomas

Quentin Thomas

Carol Ann Thompson

Addison Thompson

Fredrick Toye

Betsy and Chip Turner

Chip Turner

Joseph Van Thyne

Caroline Cassalo

Richard Vincent

Carolyn Vogt

David Wadors

Lee Waldron

Valerie Watson

Charley Watson

Peter and Cathy Weaver

James Westby

Phyllis Westwick

Bendy White

Tom White

Lesley and Scott Wiscomb

Thomas Wright

Craig Wuertz

Karen Yonally

Anna Zaharias